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Christian Community Children's
Summer Sleep Away Camp

For Boys and Girls ages 8-13

In the quiet of the early morning…

the counselors and staff silently gather around the tents and cabins of the sleeping children and sing a song to the morning, to the awakening day, rousing them from their slumber. The stillness is broken and a new day of summer camp has begun!


After a wholesome breakfast, the children are provided an abundance of creative activity. Each counselor builds a daily rhythm which best serves the needs of each group of children. Sports, hiking, sailing, canoeing, kayaking and swimming are balanced with such artistic activities as skits, painting, handcrafts, singing and storytelling. A quiet time after lunch allows for reading or resting, a necessary breather in the pattern of the day.







Sundays are a special day beginning with a short religious service which all attend. In the afternoon campers and staff join together for a community festival such as Fair Day or the presentation of prepared plays or skits. With the Adventure Course and an evening bonfire, camp draws to a close.


The joy and laughter, the challenge of learning and sharing together creates a community experience that is special and unique and which lives on throughout the year in each child.


Please go to our new website for more info, forms, & to sign up and pay:


For photos and videos, check out our instagram 


and facebook page

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